Welcome to Project INEES
The INEES project represents an innovative method of familiarizing teachers and students in secondary schools with the process of European integration, the EU institutions and mechanisms, and raising the entire society’s awareness of the EU through their mutual cooperation and debate.

Vebinar o Evropskoj uniji
U ponedeljak, 24.05.2021. godine održan je prvi iz serije vebinara o Evropskoj uniji. Predavač dr Biljana Stankov, član Žan Mone

Ukoliko želite da saznate nešto više o tome zašto je baš Evropska unija najznačajniji trgovinski partner Republike Srbije, pridružite nam

EU Handbook for Secondary Schools
EU Handbook for Secondary Schools EU Handbook

Priručnik o EU
Kao jedan od rezultata projekta, Žan Mone tim Visoke poslovne škole pripremio je Priručnik o Evropskoj uniji namenjen nastavnicima i

Učešće na međunarodnoj naučno-stručnoj konferenciji
Članovi projektnog tima dr Jelena Damnjanović, dr Nataša Papić-Blagojević i dr Ana Jovičić Vuković 10.12.2020. godine učestovovali su na onlajn

Erazmus dani u Visokoj poslovnoj školi
Our vision is to raise awareness and improve knowledge about European Union of teachers, secondary school students and civil society in Republic of Serbia.
Our mission is to introduce a modern way of educating the population about the European Union, to familiarize teachers and secondary school students with the process of European integrations, the EU institutions and their mechanisms, and to raise awareness of the EU among the wider community through their mutual cooperation and debate.